Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life at the Keyboard- My Surroundings

My desk is a mess- truly. I keep a glass of sweet tea nearby at all times, chapstick, lotion (Bodycology Vanilla Buttercream- something I found at Wal-Mart that makes you smell like a giant sugary cupcake), my digital camera, my video camera, notebooks, binders, pocket calendars, post-it notepads, and a cup full of pens and pencils, a pair of scissors and a letter opener I received when I won an autographed book from an author.

I have a picture of me and my best friend sitting atop the computer tower, a constant reminder of how important friendship is. I have a calendar of kittens on the wall, as well as my children's school pictures and a family photo directly in front of me- the importance of time and family.

On the desk I have a bead bracelet I made with my name on it several months ago when my mom and daughter were making bracelets during Fall Break. It hangs from my computer mike- as well as a fuzzy fairy bear I won from a contest on Coffeetime Romance quite a while back. I've got a small carved stone cat (handcrafted in Kenya) my MIL bought me when we went to the Indianapolis Zoo in 2002 while I was pregnant with my daughter. Being a cat person- I count it as a writing totem. Silly as it sounds, I scratch it between the ears when I'm needing inspiration. (and I talk to it- shhh...It's really not much different than talking to my characters hehe)

I also have a small 2 inch tall (if that) orange T-Rex my daughter "bought" with her classroom money at the "school store" that she insisted she had to give me to keep me company at the computer while I work. LOL

I have a fortune cookie slip taped to the top of my monitor-

"You are a lover of words, someday you will write a book."

LOL Too bad I didn't find that fortune YEARS ago! I got it after I'd already written a few manuscripts! But it still struck a chord, so it got stuck to my monitor to remind me of what I AM doing.

Beside it is a cartoon from NaNoWriMo 2007. It has a man and background quite similar to The Scream, by Edvard Munch. The man is sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop- in the screaming pose- and his wife is at the stove with a frying pan.

The quote- "For heaven's sake, Howard, so you didn't reach your NaNoWriMo wordcount goal today. You'll make up for it tomorrow. Now will you quit with the drama and set the table?!?"

That cracks me up, even when I have a regular word count goal that has nothing to do with NaNo. LOL

And that would be the tour of my little non-cave-middle-of-the-living-room writer's cave.

I'm contemplating a weekly blog on Saturdays called Life at the Keyboard. I'd like to find a way to incorporate some normal "pattern" into the randomness of my blog. We'll see. ;o)


Devon Matthews said...

Cute stuff, Taryn. Other than a profusion of horse statuary (everybody gifts me with horses for some reason ;o) and some framed photos sitting around my shelves, my one big "for luck" item is a statue of John Wayne that I bought out of the window display at the Houston Trunk Factory. They were selling luggage, not him, but I wanted him so the manager let me have him for $30.

Taryn Raye said...

Oh, Devon, that statue of John Wayne sounds very cool!

Magdalena Scott said...

I want a statute of John Wayne.

Oh--that's not the post topic, is it? Thanks for the tour of your writing environs, Taryn. Sounds like a happy, comfy place to work.

Taryn Raye said...

Thanks Magdalena.

I wouldn't mind having a statue either!