Saturday, February 11, 2012

SCENTsational Saturdays- Feel Good Essentials

One "Feel Good" Essential I have to have is a nice soap or body wash. Caress Endless Kiss is the most recent one I've been using. A soft creamy vanilla & sandalwood- it's a pleasant feminine body wash that definitely leaves my skin feeling soft and my senses enveloped in the mindset of romanticism.

I usually have a hard time finding body washes that don't make me itchy. Damn my sensitive skin! LOL

I used to buy a brand called Pure & Natural's Cherry Blossom & Almond, because it was hypo-allergenic, but everywhere I shop seems to have squeezed it off the shelves and it disappeared. The last place I knew of where I could still buy it was Rite-Aid, but it's was nearly $7 or $8 a bottle and much as I loved it, my wallet just couldn't handle that.

So, for now, I'm sticking with this Caress, but I also have a few others I use and I'll post about them some other Saturday.

Take time to find something that makes you feel lovely. Even if it's something as simple as a body wash. Sometimes splurging on a scent that you love or a special item can do wonders for the mind, body and soul.

Till next Saturday, make it SCENTsational.

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