Monday, November 3, 2008

Day Two: NaNo

Yesterday- Day Two of NaNo was a splendid day- coughing my head off, sore throat, body aches and pains. Yeah...I'm NaNo'ing sick. I started getting sick last week and it seems to have escalated as the days went on. Seems to me I was sick last year when NaNo began. Lovely...just lovely.

But...the bright and shiny moment came last night when I jotted down my word count for the day. 4,914 words- Grand total so far- 6,676 words. Already into Chapter 3. I'm actually 2 days ahead- even though I felt like crud yesterday and was writing in between laundry and cooking. Dave did the dishes for me though, which was just so sweet.

Have the kids home today. They're watching Bee Movie on HBO. I've got some more laundry to do- but I'm going to get my hiney in this chair and type away!

Have a wonderful day! I'm off to NaNo....

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