Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Backward Up A Hill Blindfolded...

I realize that's what I've been doing recently...I can't see where I'm going and I'm having a hard time seeing what's right in front of me, or behind me, as the case may be.

I've got end-of-winter blahs and I think that has a lot to do with my inability to get back to revisions. I'm burnt out. After November's NaNoWriMo and the holidays and starting revisions- I'm simply burn out.

Spring is coming- see my peach blossoms? Aren't they purty? They make me smile, just like the blossoms that are coming out on my lilac (the first year I'll get to see it in bloom- if the frost doesn't kill them off).

Still, as pretty as it is, it doesn't fill me with the desire to work on my writing. I haven't gotten the overwhelming sense of urgency that I HAVE to get the revisions done in quite some time and, as I said before, a break away should be good for me. I need it every once in a while and I haven't had time away since, I guess Fall Break last October.

It always does me good to touch homebase- to go back to where my roots were so firmly planted. It revives my sense of "me" and maybe that's something that's missing from my writing/revising right now. I'M not there with the characters- nope...I've crashed and burned into cinders, so it's time to pick them up and glue them back together or gather a few fresh parts of myself to bring back- regenerating bits and pieces of me and reigniting the core of where the fire to write burns in my gut. I need the kindling and the spark and I know where to find it.

These trips back home are the main place those things reside. I'll get the fire going again. I'll come back with a new fire lit under me and a stronger desire again.

Hope everyone has a great week!!


Magdalena Scott said...

Taryn, I'm sure you're right about the time away. You understand yourself better than many of us do.

Devon Matthews said...

Taryn, I hope you get the fire back soon. Those burnout spells are no fun. A break from the same-ole will probably do you a world of good. Have fun back home with the folks!

JM Madden said...

There's just no place like home, is there?

Taryn Raye said...

Thanks ladies.

Jennifer, you couldn't be more right. I'll be clicking my heels come Saturday!

Maddie James said...

Hi Taryn. Hang in there. You've been burning the midnight oil ever since I met you. Give those manuscripts some fermentation time and take a needed break. The muse will tickle at your soon enough and she never really and truly goes away, just rests once in a while.

Take care.