Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Back in the Groove

Yesterday I actually opened the manuscript I've been currently working revisions on and I worked through about 17 page, though I didn't add much to it...maybe 50 words, but it's better than the "nothing" I did last week.

Of course, today hubby has taken off work, so we'll see if I get anything done. I've been needing less distraction, but haven't been getting it. Last week my sister and I played Scrabble online against each other everyday and I just haven't been able to concentrate for anything.

I have been 10 days smoke-free and I've been doing 5 miles a day on the Gazelle other than over the weekend. I lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks. This week I started doing 5.25 miles, so we'll see how that goes.

I've been trying to eat healthier, but in doing so- all the fresh veggies and fruit is taking it's toll on my stomach. I've had an upset tummy since last night. Woo hoo!

Trying to get things organized and ready for a couple weeks from now when I go up to visit with my family during the kids' spring break from school. My grandmother sent me some irises and I planted them yesterday morning down along the side of the house. Hubby's mom is definitely having to take it easy so she doesn't have another attack. They're still not sure what set it off, but she got to go home yesterday from the hospital and she's on a bland diet.

I'm going to see what I can get done today. Have a good one!


Devon Matthews said...

Congratulations, Taryn! And good for you! Hope you're able to slip back in your groove today and get some more of those revisions done. Have a good one! :o)

Taryn Raye said...

Thanks Devon!

JM Madden said...

Good job with the non-smoking! I know that's really hard. I've been restless too. I think it's spring fever. I'd rather be outside doing something than inside. It's raining today, so it's easier to catch up on things.
Good luck!!!