Sunday, February 24, 2008

Little Women

Yesterday I took a break away from writing and researching to watch my DVD of Little Women with June Allyson that hubby got me for Valentine's Day. I'll admit, I cried throughout most of it, the old sentimental thing that I am.

That movie is always a good reminder to write what's in your heart~ write what you love.

For a writer, pouring out the stories that live in your heart and seeing them come to life on the page is one of the best feelings in the world. There's a rumbling sensation, a nervous anticipation of something more. Something deep. It carries the writer's soul along with it. I wake up thinking about writing and I go to sleep thinking about writing. It eats away at me when I have other things that occupy my time or when I want to write, but just don't have the energy to write another word.

When life gets busy it's easy to forget what's in my heart and it makes it darn near impossible to work on my novels. That's when I have to remind myself to take some "quiet" time for me. Last week was stressful having not just one, but both kids home with me, fussing and arguing almost constantly. Though I did get a little bit written and did some research, I still find myself with an unsettled feeling coursing through me because I haven't had time to decompress.

That's why I took a break with a favorite movie, to calm my soul and remind myself to write what's in my heart~ so I can get back to writing what I love.


Devon Matthews said...

These days, I don't really have anything I can call my own time, except the time I'm at the computer writing, or sleeping, I guess.

Many years ago, I read Little Men. It's the continuation of the Little Women story. Jo and Laurie are married and run a school for boys. Then, I read Little Women second. Story of my life, always badkwards. LOL!

I'm resistant to watching movies made from books I love. GWTW, for example. In itself, it's one of the greatest movies of all time, but in no way compares to the book. So I usually will pass over a movie that's taken from a book I've read and really loved. Another example is The Outsider by Penelope Williamson. Until recently, I didn't know there was a movie, until I read about it over on the P&P blog. Those women rave about it, but I'm not going to watch it. From reading their comments on the blog, I know they changed the hero's name, for some reason I can't imagine. Plus they got Tim Daley to play the hero, and I can't imagine that either. To me, there's no way he could be the hard-edged gunfighter character in the book. So I'd rather cherish the books and not watch the movies that sometimes give things a different slant than the author intended, just to make the plot or characters more adaptable for the screen.

Taryn Raye said...

I have Little Men in a classics collection, but I've never read it. My grandma gave it to me when I was about 13 or 14. I've seriously thought of pulling out my copy of Little Women and Little Men and reading both at some point when I have more time to sit and read.

I usually like to read the book before I see a movie of it. The only movie I can think of right off that was actually pretty close to the book(which I read before seeing the movie) was Dances With Wolves. I loved the book and I liked the movie, but if I had a choice, I'd read the book again before I'd watch the movie! LOL