Monday, January 5, 2009

Exercise? Check!

Just finished my first 1 mile on the Tony Little Gazelle this morning. I feel exhilarated. Took me about 11 minutes, but my ankles were screaming they weren't ready for more, so I'll take a cue from them and not overdo it. Need to strengthen them.

One interesting thing this morning I found out...I weighed myself, as well as took measurements before I start and then I track it every two weeks- Well, I've lost 4.5 pounds somewhere in the past few weeks that I wasn't aware of! YAY! I would have thought the holiday food would have done me in!

Plus, most of my measurements are about the same as they were the last time I did any exercise back in mid-September. I've gained about a 1/2 inch back on my waist (blech) but I've lost 1 1/2 around my hips. Hmmm...Everything else is still the same. Now I have a jumping off point. Next thing is to gauge my weight/inch loss over the next few months so I can see where my goal weight/inches should be.

The unexpected weight loss though thrilled me to no end considering I hadn't been trying to lose weight, but apparently I've been eating less or better or something. Yay me!

So, exercise- Check!

Next up- turn the TV off and opening my novel file.

Have a wonderful day and may it be productive and filled with progress and unexpected joys!


Lynn said...

Hi there. I'm a fellow Kentucky Author. I'm really enjoying your blog. Keep up the good work!

Lynn Tincher
Author of "Afterthoughts" and "Left in the Dark"

Kelly's Mom said...

Congrats on the exercise! And good luck with the shutting off of the TV for writing time! That's something I need to do as well. Well, that AND quit playing on the internet instead of writing!

Taryn Raye said...

Hello Lynn! I added you to my group on myspace..I need to hop over and add you to my friends list. Glad you're enjoying my blog!

Amy- I did actually get the TV turned off and well- I have gotten some writing done today (in between playing on the internet! LOL)

Thank you both for stopping by!