Thursday, January 3, 2008

That Tastes Like a Personal Victory!

Well, I did it. My 4th novel is finished....

At least the first draft is, and as I said in the previous blog, it does feel clunky to me, but at least I've written the last part and now it's time for it to simmer before edits and revisions. But just the act of typing the last chapter, the last line, the last word to my first draft is exhilarating and elating.

Truth is, I've been in a state of aggravation with myself over not finishing #4 DURING NaNoWriMo back in November. It has been a point of irritation within me to know that I didn't get it done then and for all of December I've chewed on my lip and sat on my thumb trying to get back to it with all the holiday stuff cluttering up my thoughts. The door to my writing flow was closed.

But today- clunky or not, it came out fine in the least until I get back to it after it rests a while.

Now I'm at another crossroads....where to go from here. I called my mom to tell her I finished #4 and in the process she asked me about what I would start next. I told her several of my working titles and gave her a general idea about each. She and I agreed that my next project will be one that I've been thinking about for a while. A series about 4 sisters and each one's struggle to find happiness with the right guy...even when they don't think they want or need one.

It wasn't really a hard decision considering that my girls were calling me no sooner than I typed the last line of #4. I had that gut instinct flagging me down to hitch a ride...and when I stopped- well, the four girls jumped in the car...So when I got to these working titles and told my mom a little about each sister she told me she thought these are definitely the ones I should go with because she thought they sounded really good.

So ready or not...I'm heading that way- down the road where Love is....

I'm off to fix myself the files for each and then I've got to get the meat on for taco/burrito night!

Have a great one!

1 comment:

Maddie James said...

Taryn, you are just a writing machine! I am always so impressed.

By the way, sweetie, you've been tagged. So, you have to go by my blog and see what you have to do next! :) Forgive me....
