Saturday, August 11, 2012

#SCENTsational Saturdays- Dry Hair & Scalp Needs Moisture

A while back I posted about how every shampoo and conditioner I use breaks my scalp out and I couldn't seem to find a combination that worked and yet still made me feel "like the heroine" of my love story. Well, I think I've discovered the secret.

For years, I've had very think, coarse, oily hair, so I normally bought shampoo for normal to oily hair types. That's all well and good, but I do believe that as we age, things about us must age and change as well. My hair has, as I've discovered. Yes, the "dandruff" shampoo works to keep my scalp from breaking out in sores, but I found that wasn't always helpful either.

And then one day it occurred to me as I was looking through shelf after shelf of shampoos and conditioners and treatments, what if I've used the ones that "strip" the oils and moisture from my hair and scalp all these years, in fact creating the need for something specifically aimed at people with DRY hair.

I mean, after all, my hair was no longer limp and greasy a day after shampooing. No, it was wild and frizzy and utterly out of my control. I really had become Rosanne Rosannadanna, as I'd been teased by my parents in my childhood. What if I had misdiagnosed my hair type all these years?

So instead of grabbing the next normal to oily product, I reached instead for Suave Professionals Almond & Shea Butter- for moisturizing the dryness away. And guess what? It worked. I've almost used up both bottles and have yet to have any sores break out in my head. Granted, my ears are dry, but not sure I can blame that on the shampoo and conditioner or just this hot hot dry weather we've had this summer.

Regardless, I've found that switching my type of shampoo needs has made a drastic improvement to my hair. Not only do I not have sores, but my hair is smoother and more manageable and I know I sound like a commercial, but I'm actually just tickled that I figured what the issues was with my shampoo. Here's hoping that this continues to be a good solution to the problem and it was a cheaper solution than I had thought it would be.

Have a SCENTsational Saturday!

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