Monday, December 29, 2008

Trying to Settle At The End of 2008

Christmas has come and gone, and though I'm tired, it still seems as though there's a hustle and bustle going on around and within me. Perhaps it's because that sense of "normalcy" I'm used to hasn't been retrieved yet amongst the busy-ness of the holidays.

Maybe it's because I have a fridge full of 4 day old leftovers I need to dump in the trash, decorations I won't be taking down until the day after January 1st-after my best friend and her husband come visit us to start of the New Year. Maybe it's because our regular routine is scattered at the moment with my husband and daughter still home with me all day. Well, hubby does go to work tomorrow, but then he'll be off the rest of the week again like last week. My stepson is gone to his mother's for the week, but I think it's one of those cases of "I can't get things done around the house when I have a houseful."

It's wonderful to have them home with me, but also a distraction from my routine. I'm used to quiet in the house during the week while everyone's either at work or school and therefore, these weekdays haven't felt the same to me.

My daughter's watching television in her room, but hubby's playing a race car game here in the living room, so I'm surrounded by noise, when I'm used to most the time turning off the television until my soap opera comes on or having the volume turned down on the TV and listening to my music on the computer while I write.

I need to finish working on Novel Number 9- my NaNo novel, but not sure I can wrap my mind around it with all this extra noise I'm not use to. I have this nervous energy sparking inside me begging I find something to use it for- I can't seem to "settle" myself down, but at the same time I'm finding it hard to get motivated to do anything.

This year is quickly coming to a close- 3 more days and 2008 will be long gone as we welcome in 2009. Doesn't that seem strange? Seems just yesterday we were starting a new year and yet here we are, heading into the next.

I guess I'll save my waxing poetic about the things I did and didn't accomplish this year and what I would like to accomplish next year for another blog- either tomorrow or Wednesday when I can think a bit more clearly than today.

Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying some down time before we get the new year under way!


Kelly's Mom said...

The holidays are strange time for me too. My husband and I are both school teachers, so we're both off work for the two weeks surrounding Christmas. I always dread going back to work, but at the same time I look forward to the routine that comes with it. I've written some while I've been off work, but sometimes I think I get more done when I'm cramming my writing into my lunch break at school or into the thirty minutes or so after the kids go to bed before I hit the pillow! I stopped making resolutions or goals at New Year's a long time ago! It seemed to just be a source of disappointment to me, so instead, I just look back at my year, and I'm thankful for what I did accomplish and the good things that came my way. Here's hoping for more good things for all of us in 2009!

Cheryl St.John said...

I'm pulling together my list of goals for 2009 and getting into a deadline book that I am loving. I have one guy home for the school break, so I relate to the distration.