We battle it out on a daily basis, getting swatted at as you walk by, but then later nuzzled and all purrs when he wants to knead on you and slobber before he settles down for sleep. Poor baby's had fleas and we've been fighting that as well. Not a lot of fun bathing a cat...I'll tell you that right now.
Writing is still always on my mind, but not always something I have time for yet. I haven't forgotten. The heart won't allow that anyway... In the meantime, I'm adjusting to a new furbaby under foot and all over me when I'm not working that thing that pays the bills. As for Pye, he should have been named "Now you can never go to the bathroom alone." LOL

And he's quite talented and acrobatic on the pole. Some days I worry I'll come home from work to find a neon "Live Nudes" sign hanging outside my front door. Is there a cat version of Chippendales? I'm sure he'd fit right in, shaking his furry money maker. He's got all the moves.
Hopefully now I'll have more opportunity to post more often and I most certainly plan to spend more time reconnecting with my writing world. Boy have I missed it! Have a blessed evening and enjoy every moment.
1 comment:
It's difficult losing a pet. I had to cross that Rainbow Bridge in the past four years, and I still think of them often. I've since got two more rescue dogs, and they've been great companions. I'm sure your new kitty will eventually ease the pain, but Mizzy will always have a place in your heart. And I do hope you return to writing, even the blog.
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